Driver Education

Terms & Conditions 

24-hour Online Teen Driver’s Education Course

This PORTAL Application is to be Soley Accessed via a laptop or computer.

Using any other device will not have good results.


New legislation regarding Completion Certificates, as of December 11, 2023.

* Before a Completion Certificate can be issued, the student must register for an Ohio Learner's Permit, and that Learner’s Permit Number must be added to their file. 

If there is not a valid LP# in the student file at the time of completion, this will delay the certificate issuance. A student will be reminded before beginning the Final Exam. 

** On the Registration Page, the information entered MUST match the information found on the Learner’s Permit. Make sure that the First, Middle, and Last Name that you provide during registration is your legal name. Do not use a nickname or abbreviated format. 

The provided information must be exactly as it appears on your Learner’s Permit. If the Completion Certificate is issued with inaccurate or incomplete information that was entered by YOU, you will be charged a fee before a Duplicate Certificate can be issued.


Costech Technologies, Inc. - is licensed by the Department of Public Safety through the Driver Training Program Office, 1970 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43223.


  • Be at least 15 years and 6 months old,
  • Have access to the Internet (see below for details),
  • Complete the online registration form on the next page, and
  • Pay the $99.00 registration fee. This fee includes all required instructional material and needs to be paid before course activation.


The student will be charged a registration fee of $99.00 for the course, with an optional additional $9.95 for course narration. If the student does not wish to purchase the audio, they MUST deactivate it on the Registration Page. 

Per DPS regulation, all course work including the Final Exam must be completed within 180 days, from the first date of starting the first page of the Book/Course. If you do not complete the course within this allotted time frame, you will be required to start over and a reinstatement fee will be applicable. 


Costech Technologies, Inc., hereafter referred to as the COURSE PROVIDER, offers a course composed of 10 training modules, spanning at least 24 hours of instruction. The course will be available to the STUDENT 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your accessibility may be affected by, but not limited to, your Internet provider, your computer capability, firewall, browser settings, etc., which the COURSE PROVIDER cannot control. We do offer Technical Support to assist you in possibly solving these issues. 

  • The course covers the State-mandated 24 hours of course content. 24 hours is the minimum course time requirement; however, there is no maximum. 
  • Per DPS regulation, all course work including the Final Exam must be completed within 180 days, from the first date of starting the first page of the Book/Course. If you do not complete the course within this allotted time frame, you will be required to start over and a reinstatement fee will be applicable.
  • 5 different timers are built into this course:
  1. Login Time: Your login time is the total amount of time that you have been logged into your online course, regardless of the work completed. 
  2. Course Time: Your course time is based on the amount of time that you spend in the course book, either reading the written information, watching the videos, or taking Quizzes/Tests. Your course time does not include being logged in; however, completing no coursework. 
  3. If you are logged in to your course for two (2) consecutive hours, the system will automatically log you out and you will be required to take a 15-minute break. You may log back into your course after your break.
  4. You can complete but not exceed four (4) hours of course time per calendar day. 
  5. Our system is designed with an Idle Time setting. Once you log in to your online account, if you are inactive for 15 minutes, the system will automatically log you out. That 15 minutes of inactivity will not be calculated in your course time.

  • There is a timer on the Login page that will let you know the number of days remaining to complete the course. 

This course must be completed before the 6 months (180 days) are up, from the first date of starting the first page of the Book/Course. If a student cannot complete within this time frame, an extension can only be approved by the State (acceptable reasons: student has a learning disability, medical reasons, etc. Documentation must be provided). If the State denies a time extension, a reinstatement fee of $49.50 will be charged, and the course will need to be restarted from the beginning.


On the online registration form on the next page, students will be asked to select and answer 3 Security Questions. Make sure that you write down the 3 questions and answers because they will be needed every time you log in to the online course. 

You will have 60 seconds to answer your Security Question correctly. If you do not answer the question correctly the first time, you will have one additional opportunity to answer the security question. If the second question is answered incorrectly, you will be locked out of the course for 24 hours. After 24 hours, your account will be automatically unlocked. You can also contact us to be unlocked, Monday to Friday, 9am - 6pm EST. Send an email to Please add the student name or Student ID in the email subject line. 


On the online registration form on the next page, please provide an email that will not be blocked (i.e., .net or .com. A school email is prohibited, as servers block all links and emails that are not approved.

The COURSE PROVIDER is prohibited from issuing a certificate of completion if the student has not met all the requirements for course completion, and a student shall not accept a certificate under such circumstances. The Completion Certificate is sent by email once all of the requirements have been met: 

  • 24-hour minimum course time, and
  • You have successfully completed the course in its entirety: 
    • All Modules, 
    • All Module Quizzes and Tests, and 
    • The Final Exam 

Completion Certificates are verified and issued by a person – they are not automated. 

Our instructor will issue the Completion Certificate within 3 business days (Monday to Friday), after course completion. Check your Spam/Junk Mail. If you have not received your certificate after 3 business days, contact to request another be sent. Please add the student’s name in the email subject line. 

If you require your Completion Certificate faster- an Expedited Service is available for a fee of $25.

Before the Completion Certificate is issued, you will also receive a separate email from us, notifying you that you have met the course requirements and that the course is now completed.


If a Completion Certificate is issued and the student has not received it, the student will have 10 days from the completion date to request for it to be resent. After 10 days, an $8 fee will be applicable. 

Similarly, if a Completion Certificate is issued and THE STUDENT did not provide accurate student information, a specific process is to be followed before a Duplicate Certificate can be issued. 

The student agrees to pay the administrative costs ($8 fee) for any duplicate certificate requested. Duplicates may be reproduced for corrections in addresses, name, date of birth, etc. The STUDENT is solely responsible for any errors in the personal information. Registration/Profile information should match the information on the STUDENT LEARNER’S PERMIT. To verify or update the student information, contact Please add the student’s name in the email subject line.


The student agrees that they may not be certified or given credit for the Online Course unless they score 75% or higher on each Module Quiz and Test.

The student will have three (3) attempts to successfully pass the Final Exam (all other quizzes and tests have no limit on retakes). If the student does not achieve the required 75% on the first attempt, the additional attempts are scheduled no earlier than the next calendar day. The student must wait 24 hours before being able to retake the Final exam, the system will not allow you to reattempt the Final Exam on the same day. 

If the student fails the third attempt, the student will be required to retake the entire course and a reinstatement fee will be applicable. 

Alternative testing techniques for students with reading, hearing, or learning handicaps and policies for re-testing students who score less than 75% will be a: review of the material, b: translation, if necessary or possible, and c: re-testing, verbally if necessary.


The student agrees that HE/SHE, and not any other person, will study the material and complete the 10 Modules,  Quizzes, Tests, and the Final Exam. It is illegal to circumvent this Online State-Approved Driver’s Education Course or provide false information. If the COURSE PROVIDER discovers that the student has willfully misrepresented himself or has cheated, the student will be stopped from taking the course with no refund of the registration fees. In addition, legal action may be brought against the student and parent, and/or other criminal charges which are punishable by law.


Course payment goes to: Costech Technologies or Costech USA
Your payment receipt will appear under the names Costech Technologies or Costech USA

Once payment is received, the Student and Parent will be notified via email. If you did not make this payment or have payment-related questions, please contact the COURSE PROVIDER immediately. Note: Payments can only be made by Credit Card, not Debit Card.  

You will have 7 days, from the date of registration, to request a refund. A full refund minus a $10-dollar administrative fee will be issued to any student who cancels the enrollment contract within 7 days of registering for the course.

The COURSE PROVIDER may terminate or charge reinstatement fees without notice upon discovery of any violations of the above paragraph, or upon when the enrollment of any student who has not completed the course within the 6-month (180 days) limit. 

All registration fees paid are due and refundable when the course of instruction is discontinued by the COURSE PROVIDER, preventing a student from completing the course, or the enrollment of the student was procured as a result of any misrepresentation in advertising, promotional materials, or representation made by the owner or employee(s) of the COURSE PROVIDER. 


The COURSE PROVIDER prescribes minimum hardware and software requirements for completing the course. Minimum browser requirements advise the use of Google Chrome for the Online Course. The minimum hardware required is such that it can support the software configuration listed above. The course requires the use of a pointing device such as a mouse. The course requires that the hardware be equipped with speakers. 


The COURSE PROVIDER is required to collect information from its users at several different times and locations on the website and/or in the Online Course. The COURSE PROVIDER will not use or sell this information to promote products or services unrelated to this course, or in ways different from what is disclosed in the Privacy Statement.

The student's personal information is encrypted and can only be retrieved and viewed through the reporting features of the COURSE PROVIDER program. Any and all information is only accessible by an Administrator or Instructor who has been granted the proper authorization. Such instances include but are not limited to, modifications to personal information, progress reports and logs, and if applicable, creation of Completion Certificates.

Per DPS regulation, for student identity verification purposes, the COURSE PROVIDER will access one or more public databases to extract necessary information. The student authorizes the COURSE PROVIDER to access this information under the condition that it be used exclusively for student validation. The student identity verification is accessed through a 3rd party identification database, which is why the information entered during the registration process must be true and accurate. 

If a student is under the age of 18, the PARENT information must be filled out correctly. If not, an affidavit form must be filled out, signed, and stamped by a notary, then scanned and uploaded to our system.

If a student is at least 18 years old, the STUDENT information must be filled out correctly. If not, an affidavit form must be filled out, signed, and stamped by a notary, then scanned and uploaded to our system.

If the student's identity is not validated immediately, contact Once verified, you can begin your course.


The student represents and warrants that the user information and registration information provided by the student is true and correct and acknowledges that the truth and accuracy of such information is a material inducement to the COURSE PROVIDER in permitting the student to enroll in the course. The student further acknowledges and agrees that any willful or intentional misrepresentation by the student regarding such user information or registration information constitutes a breach of this agreement and of the representations and warranties by the student, as provided in this agreement, and may subject the student to liability for damages incurred by the COURSE PROVIDER as a result thereof, including but not limited to general, consequential, and punitive damages.


The student acknowledges and agrees that the liability of the COURSE PROVIDER and their agents and employees for any act, omission to act, or negligence on the part of the COURSE PROVIDER and their agents and employees is strictly limited to and shall not exceed the amount of the registration fee paid by the student and/or parent. The parent understands that the COURSE PROVIDER will access one or more public databases to extract the necessary information for student validation purposes. The student authorizes the COURSE PROVIDER to access this information under the condition that it be used exclusively for student validation.

This agreement constitutes the entire contract between the COURSE PROVIDER and the STUDENT, and any oral assurances or promises not contained herein shall not bind the COURSE PROVIDER or the STUDENT.

I understand: When communicating or corresponding with the COURSE PROVIDER administrators, teachers, and support personnel, I must NOT use abusive or offensive language. If I use abusive or offensive language, I may be suspended or removed from this course and not receive a certificate of completion or a refund. I, not any other person, will study the material in this course, and I will not willfully misrepresent myself or cheat. Should I do so, I will be stopped from taking this course and not receive a certificate of completion or a refund.

By clicking the “I Agree” button, you agree to all the Terms and Conditions listed above. Costech Technologies Inc. reserves the right to suspend or remove you (the student) from this course for any violation of the above-mentioned items.


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